The idea
The creation
The printing
Υπάρχει λόγος, ή μάλλον λόγοι, που λεγόμαστε printing house. Διαθέτουμε μηχανές τελευταίας τεχνολογίας, offset και ψηφιακές, με δυνατότητα εκτύπωσης μεγάλων ή μικρών τιράζ. Οι άνθρωποί μας δημιουργούν, επεξεργάζονται, επιβλέπουν και επιβεβαιώνουν ότι το αποτέλεσμα είναι άρτιο. Η ολοκληρωμένη διαδικασία που ακολουθούμε, με μετεκτυπωτικό στάδιο, όπου στάντζες, κοπτικές, συνθετικές, βιβλιοδετικές, διπλωτικές, πλαστικοποιητικές, συρταροκολητικές και λαμιναριστικές μηχανές, τελειοποιούν το κάθε έργο.
The promotion
Do you want the whole world to know about your new product? So do we!
That's why we created an advertising department, which undertakes its online and offline promotion, to reach the audience you are interested in.
What form can your idea take?
Commercial printed material | Books & Magazines | Packaging | Bags | Digital prints | Special structures
Exhibitions/conferences | Corporate identity | Advertising campaigns
Our Favorite

For the first time in Greece, the production of paper cylindrical packaging can be made without intermediaries, imports or delays. All you need to do is contact us!
• lining with special paper, for direct contact with food
• single, durable cardboard package, with special white inner support, that protects products from potential damage
• double packaging, with top cover lid and base tube
• wide range of sizes, printing, surface finish and functions
• various types of surface finish, such as matt or glossy varnish, thermal printing, embossing and more
• experienced and professional support, design & production team
• 100% Greek structures at a reasonable price, with fast delivery
Competitive advantages
• Recyclable, biodegradable and environmentally friendly cylinder.
• Antioxidant, compared to tin cans.
• Small quantity production availability.
• Dimension from Φ 3,5 - Φ13 height up to 60cm.
• Pharmaceutical products
• Food
• Cosmetics
• Bottles
• Clothing
• Optics
• Candles
• Projection packaging
• And more…